
Hotels, leisure and conference facilities have long been targets of terrorist attacks and the threat level is still increasing. Due to its characteristics this sector is vulnerable to attacks, and in last 25 years over 160 attacks were conducted.

Chemical, biological and radiological/nuclear (CBRN) threats are emerging risks that the European public must take into consideration. The use of those agents can be often combined with explosive devices – CBRNe.

HOTHREAT aims to address the existing gap in the protection of hotels to CBRNe terrorist threats. Such need has been proved during broad consultation with the end-users, their engagement in the consortium and their interest to introduce the results.

The project proposal is prepared in line with EU action plans and the project will capitalize the outcomes and lessons learnt of relevant H2020 or ISFP projects like NEST, Mall-CBRN or SAFE STADIUM and others.

The HOTHREAT consortium enables cooperation among private and public entities, experts, end-users, security companies and law enforcement agencies. The partnership has complementary composition of 19 partners from 8 EU Members States.


The main objective of HOTHREAT is to increase the safety of EU MS society using the services of hotels and conference centers in regards to CBRNe threats. It will be achieved by conducting comprehensive vulnerability and needs analysis, identifying best practice to elaborate the tailor-made measures for CBRNe protection. The measures include recommendations for prevention, protection and response procedures and equipment, multi-service communication model, programmes for VIP visits, cleaning services, food defence, epidemiology enquire and CBRNe emergency application for mobile devices integrated with AR, and training materials for hotel employees.

Involvement of end-users, series of piloting and large scale exercises will allow to elaborate high-quality and well-addressed solutions and ensure project sustainability.


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